I want to know who I’m Looking At (working title) (2021- ongoing)
“There’s this super weird thing that occurs when you’re wearing a mask, right. You’re looking through a mesh, this eyepiece, and there’s this base layer between you. It’s a conduit. It’s like, how sound can’t travel through a vacuum, you know. You need the medium for that vibration to transfer through. And that’s how the connection is formed. You yourself are one with that medium, and they are too.
“The entity on the other end, viewing you in third person, has one question in their head. They’re squinting. They can see your retina through the mesh. And they’re asking themselves - I want to know who I’m looking at. And I’m asking myself this as we’re holding eye contact. Are they looking at me, or are they looking at this mass of foam and fabric attached to my skull, to my eye, formed in the shape of this creature-as-metaphor. Why not both? Can both be alive?
“It’s anarchistic to assume this form. There’s all these rules to how people who play cartoon characters in public are supposed to act, just like real people, and we’re breaking all of them. Mickey can’t wear a mesh top and smoke weed at a rave. That’s too punk for the PR department. That’s unmarketable. We are the antithesis of that notion. I’m homosexual as fuck. I’m autistic as fuck. I’m cute as fuck. I’m noisy as fuck and here, at least, no one’s gonna stop me from yowling at the top of my lungs.”
con photos 2021-
“The entity on the other end, viewing you in third person, has one question in their head. They’re squinting. They can see your retina through the mesh. And they’re asking themselves - I want to know who I’m looking at. And I’m asking myself this as we’re holding eye contact. Are they looking at me, or are they looking at this mass of foam and fabric attached to my skull, to my eye, formed in the shape of this creature-as-metaphor. Why not both? Can both be alive?
“It’s anarchistic to assume this form. There’s all these rules to how people who play cartoon characters in public are supposed to act, just like real people, and we’re breaking all of them. Mickey can’t wear a mesh top and smoke weed at a rave. That’s too punk for the PR department. That’s unmarketable. We are the antithesis of that notion. I’m homosexual as fuck. I’m autistic as fuck. I’m cute as fuck. I’m noisy as fuck and here, at least, no one’s gonna stop me from yowling at the top of my lungs.”
con photos 2021-